How to Protect Yourself From Fraud by Using ACH Positive Pay

Part of running and owning a business is ensuring that your employees and customers do not commit fraud. Check fraud occurs every day in the United States, but there are check fraud prevention methods that you can use to keep your business safe such as using solutions for ACH transactions or having a positive pay […]
What Are Security Envelopes and What Are They Used For?

In all likelihood, you’ve seen a security envelope before, but you may not have known what it was, why companies use it or how it is significant in protecting your data. Companies that choose to mail sensitive documents should, ideally, use these security envelopes to ensure private information stays private. Here are answers to some […]
What’s in your wallet? Safe Check, we sure hope.

While I was on vacation in Puerto Rico several years ago, I was having the time of my life. Until my wallet and check got stolen. Yikes.. Until then, it was just me and my wife and these pristine beaches and economical fruity drinks and big fun hats to protect us from the glorious sunshine. […]