
From Startup To Mega-Business (A How To)

lessons learned in small businessAt Check Issuing, we are the backbone of accounts payable departments for lots of startups who purchase our check printing services for small businesses. This is because we are reliable, knowledgeable and structurally, we are more than competent in the field. Our decades of merchant banking experience combined with our savvy marketing help us grow our Check Writing service business.
But it wasn’t always THAT easy. In fact, starting out is definitely the most difficult part and getting good business ideas. It is much more difficult to get momentum from zero than it is to get momentum when your business is already in motion. These are the most important entrepreneurial lessons we learned.
You have the service and you know it is great. Now you need to write your business plan.
You have the personnel to help see through your services for clients. But, you don’t have clients, and that’s the issue. So how do you attract clients from starting at speed zero?
First, you really need to be an expert at what you do. You should be an authority in your field. And that’s the initial message you should spread when you advertise or network at cocktail events. Look for any speaking engagements that might allow you to speak and help others. Build up your reputation as an expert in the field of what you do. For a small business to outsource, they must first trust you. They want to know that you are a top expert in your field. With Check Issuing, we came into the business of check writing and accounts payable with a wealth of expertise in the matter. We attended trade shows and network. We wrote articles on the matter. We proved our worth and value.
Make sure that your branding is consistent all the way from your voice, through your marketing and even down to your social media. Show consistency in your appeal. Make sure your website is up to snuff. After people meet you or read an article you wrote or leave an event they attended whereas you spoke, they are sure to look you up on Google and Facebook. Make sure that what they find is just as professional, respected and well-groomed as you are. Make sure that the website shows a wealth of information over your vertical. Make sure your Facebook isn’t just sharing cat memes, but instead, is posting about relevant topics.
Build a reputation by logging your happy clients. Once you’ve built a list of just a few clients, ask them to recommend you on LinkedIn. Ask them if you can post their review of your service on your website and social media. The early stages of a business are not the time to suddenly become shy. Brag a little, educate a lot, keep up with the business news and always be exploring opportunities.
Make sure you highlight your best qualities. What niche within the niche is something you are amazing at? Does your service offer something unique and relevant to the industry? Highlight any items which may separate you from the herd of competition. Just starting out can be difficult, but if done correctly, it can be the most valuable time of your business’s genesis.

How To Get A Great Consulting Business Off The Ground

At Check Issuing, we work with quite a good number of consultants. Launching a consulting firm is one of the most profitable small business ideas.
A great many of our Accounts Payable clients have their consulting businesses in a variety of verticals. Running a consulting business is a challenge, to say the least. Many people think they can just hop right into consulting so much time as they have “some” experience in the trade or vocation, but that’s not always the truth. We have even been hired as consultants ourselves about a check printing project for a foreign firm.
Consulting businesses are just like any other business. You must have proper accounting (as Check Issuing and our accounts payable services provide). You might need help (outsourcing). You need skills. You need proof of your work concept. You need a trail of happy clients. Here are a few essential considerations you should make when it comes to creating a new consulting business.
Do you have any certifications? Are there any certifications needed? Often, potential clients will ask what certifications you have that qualify you as an expert in your trade. Beefing up your education, no matter how much of an expert you feel you are, can only help you sell yourself. Online courses or even community college courses can be of great help.
Get experience. If you are brand new to the game, then it might not be a bad idea to do a couple of smaller jobs for people/companies either for free or for a super low rate. Your primary goal is to complete the tasks and add them to your portfolio. You want them happy, and you want them to give you a great review. You can even ask them to write up a review of your services for your website and other social media spots (Facebook, Yelp). Potential clients like to see other satisfied customers before they commit to paying you anything.
Get organized. Consulting requires that you be mega-organized. Many companies or individuals who hire you are doing so because aspects of their business are chaotic. They aren’t looking to add more chaos, rather, they are looking to add an infusion of stability. They want you to make things make sense. Get good at planning. Make use of online calendars. Store files in cloud drive (like Google Drive) where you can quickly and easily access them. Set reminders on your smartphone. Wake up in the morning and look over your day and know what’s happening. Allow time as precise as possible for each client.
Get to Networking. If you aren’t super social, learn to fake it. Networking is the key to getting more clients. If you want to increase the scope of your network, you will need to attend business happy hours and trade shows. Creating new contacts can lead to new business. Dress professionally, avoid politics and religion in conversations and smile a lot. Making new friends can only lead to the right things when your business is consulting.
Working for yourself can be one of the most invigorating experiences life has to offer. But it isn’t without work. So get busy, what are you waiting for?
Call our rebate management company today.

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