
Workflow Improves by Outsourcing Payroll

payroll outsource servicesAt Check Issuing, we don’t take for granted production of outsourcing payroll online. Starting a project and seeing it through to completion is not a task we overlook, instead its something we look at as the central component of our operations.
Whether it be client relations, general problem solving, or of course new innovations, we understand that workflow is the essence of production.
When your workflow is spot-on, you not only get more completed projects, but those projects become realities through efficient lines of workflow, which means time saved and monies saved.
Who doesn’t want more production for less cost? Of course, if you just want to waste time and money, then examining workflow isn’t for you, but seeing I’ve met no one who shares such a sentiment, it is safe to say you consider this as important as we consider this.
We didn’t design a check fraud mechanism or enhance our current protocols without some semblance of understanding our workflow of outsourcing payroll.
It’s incredibly important to us. So what advice would we give to other managers to improve how your projects become completed the task while saving money and time? Let’s look at it.
Check out these workflow diagram examples
To start, have a real plan in place. Don’t work off the cuff, have some type of structure and a good idea of what you want and how you want to complete it. Don’t worry, your creative flow doesn’t have to be shut down, you can make changes, you can adapt, add-on, but you need to go into it with the whole picture encapsulated somewhere. You need everyone to realize the greater goal. Try creating a workflow chart in Word as a map to your production process.
Explain things to those working on the project. First, this will make them feel more a part of things and take more of a vested interest in things. Second, this will enable people to make more logical decisions regarding the project. For example, if a developer knows that an end product may turn out to be a high volume traffic product, they may suggest code changes which can handle the volume. If they know the product may also offer an app on iTunes, they may make changes that allow support for feeding content to the app.
Reach out to trustworthy, business savvy friends who can maybe give you advice on the space or product. Maybe others have tried this idea and it failed? Doesn’t mean you should stop production, but it could mean you could adapt the idea to meet some more evolved standards. Remember we are a 1099 service provider.
Use some kind of project management to keep task and expectations and progress easily accessible and visual to everyone.
Reward timelines and goals being met. Don’t just have a goal to “make a product,” make sure the smaller completions are acknowledged as well.


Check Issuing, Your Company Solution For Third Party Check Disbursement

It’s Friday. The single greatest day of the week, unless you think that’s Saturday seeing you maybe sleep a little more. Or maybe you think it’s Sunday because you love football. Or…maybe you are a Monday person. Wait, what? No one is a Monday person. Yeah, so Friday it is. The weekend looming ahead flaunting all her glorious potential, that’s Friday and that’s awesome. Nothing like figuring out weekend plans even if those plans are just to…well….sleep!
Nothing wrong with catching up on some much-needed sleep and getting prepped to really tackle the week ahead. But Friday is also a day that bookmarks the end of the work week for most of us, which means the focus is still needed on work task and clients and product enhancements, you name it. But today I am going to ask you to refocus on a part of your business which you may not often consider to be intricate to your process. I mean, you do know its important, you just may not see it as an area of the company that could be enhanced to improve things like product or client services.
I’m talking about your check disbursement department. You know, that part of your company that writes checks to clients and customers and employees. Seems simple, right? You need to write checks. So you disburse checks. And then everyone goes home. But what if it weren’t that incredibly simple? What if someone told you that in fact, sourcing your check issuing business out to a third party check disbursement company could save your company loads of time, make you more efficient, protect you against fraud, and even help brand your product. Wow, right? That’s right.
When you use Check Issuing, we disburse checks on your behalf. Those checks use state of the art envelopes to help prevent check fraud (ever looked at the data on how many companies are exposed to check fraud?). We also use special checks which help to ensure that your checks aren’t fraudulent when they are presented at the bank level. That is how does payroll outsourcing work.
Yep, the bank can tell if a Check Issuing disbursed check is actually a fraudulent copy. That’s huge for protecting your business.
What about branding? We allow you to send out memorandums with all your checks. We allow you to make your checks more professional by putting your logo on the checks. That’s branding. Who doesn’t love getting money? Might as well have your brand besides that goodwill feeling!
Why not let the experts at Check Issuing handle all your check disbursement needs? You have no good reason! Contact our client services right now and become yet another super satisfied and happy client!

Cost Management: Outsourcing Payroll Services

What is the purpose of running one’s own payroll service if it is possible to get this work done cheaper elsewhere? There is no reason to delay in outsourcing such a task if a good deal can be found. It is the practice of good cost management to find a deal for outsourcing payroll services if possible.
Sharing the Responsibility
Outsourcing payroll provides the wonderful benefit of getting to share some of the responsibilities of filing for taxes and also for getting the paychecks sent out. IRS.gov says this about this shared responsibility,

Many employers outsource some of their payroll and related tax duties to third-party payroll service providers. They can help assure filing deadlines and deposit requirements are met and greatly streamline business operations. But remember, employers are ultimately responsible for the payment of income tax withheld and both the employer and employee portions of social security and Medicare taxes.

Indeed, it is important to look at the tax responsibilities that you will still bear and ensure that you are working with your outsourced partners. Full communication on these issues helps make sure that there will be no surprises.
Capitalize On More Free Time
One of the hidden benefits of having an outsourced payroll service is that it frees up more time for you to get other things done. If you are not having to concern yourself with the daily task of managing payroll checks online, then more energy can be spent on coming up with creative ideas and new ways to expand your profit margin.