
Your Business in The Cloud: Good Idea?

The cloud. What is it, really? When we hear the term, many of us think about clouds in the sky (like in this picture). The term and definition of it are actually a bit surreal. Check Issuing uses cloud storage for small business for most of our statement printing business. 
For years, we got used to storing everything on personal or work hard drives. I am sure many of us have hard drives laying around somewhere. They now almost look like dinosaurs, the same as VCR’s. There was a time that we purchased a computer with enormous emphasis on the size of the hard drive the machine came with.
That’s over (mostly).
Now we store things in the cloud. If you have Apple, you have iCloud. If you have Windows, you have Onedrive. And everything backs up to that. Lose your computer? So long as your computer was synced with the aforementioned cloud products, you just need to grab another and log in and your files will once again reappear. Even applications are on the cloud: Adobe and Microsoft products are now updated via the cloud (no more disc).
At Check Issuing, we share files via the cloud using Google Drive and DropBox. We create Google Documents which live in the cloud for your statement mailing and printing services databases. Heck, even my usernames and passwords are all on the cloud using a password manager (I know, some of you might feel queasy about that).
But the cloud really works. Here’s how to set up cloud computing for small business

Running your business on the cloud gives you a more versatile ability to manage your business from anywhere. It allows you to train and manage employees remotely, which cuts down on office cost. Using the cloud means you can cut cost and expand your business. Ever think of it in those terms?
Disadvantages of cloud computing for small business

Why Check Writing Is Better Done By A Third Party!

Writing checks never feel great. I am just being honest here, my friends. Spending money isn’t something high on anyone’s priority list, even though spending money is super indicative of either getting something new and shiny or investing in something which can yield a financial return, it still sucks. But you know what sucks even more than just seeing a checkmark in the deduction column? Actually writing a check! How absurd does that sound? Very: but the simple fact is that it’s true.
Writing checks takes time and can leave your company exposed to the potential for fraud. That’s where Check Issuing comes into play. We handle the writing and decimating of the checks, you run your business. We take care of fraud protection so you don’t have to worry about how to improve envelopes. We’ve already tapped into the banking system so that checks we send on your behalf are scanned at the bank level for fraud.

We take the weight off the shoulders of your accounting department. Your accounting department needs to be focused on taxes, or the amounts spend on utility bills or alerting you to how much Jim or Jane spent at Chilis while they were away on the business trip last month in Houston. I love Chilis, so I can quickly see how having a corporate Amex in that place could pose an issue. I’d seriously abuse a corporate card in that place. But I digress back to the fact that Check Issuing can save the day for your accounting department, protect your company from check fraud, and save you time and money. Check Issuing is like the really nice gift in the stocking, you maybe didn’t expect us and that makes us all the more exciting to pull out.
We also can customize your checks. When I say “customize,” I don’t mean it in a lame way like when your neighbor lowered his truck due to having a mid-life crisis. I more mean customize, such as put your company’s logo on them to help increase your brand’s awareness. When your checks have your logo on them, your clients will perceive your company as more professional. And hey, having your brand being associated with someone receiving money is never a bad thing. People are just happy when they are cashing a check, so why not be there during their moment of elation? Here’s our tips on making more money.
Why don’t you contact us right now? Let’s have a chat. We’d love to hear about your business. You don’t even have to use us, you can just call us up to tell us about your business. We love making new friends.
Call Us at 1.866.535.3954 and find out why check writing is better for a third party!

Banks Going After Millennials With App

Garnering support of youth is the best way to ensure a bright future. Oddly, this is a concept Banks have always had some trouble with. Attracting kids 12-18 has never been easy for banks, however, things may be getting a bit easier now thanks to Infosys Financial who is offering a cool new app for them to use. (via Forbes)

If the Millennials have got away from traditional retail banking — a matter of some debate — Infosys Finacle now offers banks a shot at the next generation, Gen Z. The Bangalore-based technology provider has a launched mobile Finacle Youth Banking solution aimed at people from 12 to 18 to make banking a fun experience and also giving them a sense of financial responsibility.
This solution will give banks an opportunity to expand their millennial customer base, that is largely unbanked.
The Finacle Youth Banking solution starts with three simple steps – registration, collection of Know Your Customer (KYC) documents, and setting transaction limits —  transactions beyond preset limits will have to be approved by the guardian before completion.
Interactive features include ‘goals management’ for savings, ‘do transactions’ for payments, funds transfers and online shopping, and gamification for infotainment. Except for gamification, this doesn’t appear to offer much beyond what Moven and Simple provide. Simple, acquired last year by BBVA Compass, operates only in the US for now, while Moven has recently announced it is offering its software globally and has allied with Accenture for implementation. Early adopters are TD Bank and Westpac in New Zealand.

This idea just makes sense. If you can get the kids interested earlier, they will likely enjoy your product for many years to come as adults. This has always been the key to marketing things such as sodas and fast food and sports, so why not banking? It just makes sense.
What also makes good business sense is to contact us for your bank statement printing needs.