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The Best Interview Questions for Business Professionals

Interviewing is a drag. Here at Checkissuing, a lot of our clients often say that interviewing job prospects are one of the most sensitive parts of their business. Second only to payroll check printing and mailing.
There are lots of new companies who try to help manage resumes and candidates for businesses, however, in the end, it comes down to you interviewing people. And that isn’t as easy as some may believe it to be.
You don’t want to ask horrible questions whereas you learn nothing from the candidate and the candidate learns nothing from you. Ideally, both the candidate and the job should learn a little more with each question asked. You not only want to make sure that the candidate is right for the position but that they similarly feel the job is right for them. Otherwise, the relationship is likely to end as fast as it began and you are right back in the difficult position of hiring again. Check out these great hiring tips from HR experts.

Here is a set of substantial interview questions which should help you (and the candidate) determine if this job is the right fit.

The Best Interview Questions a Business Professional

Ask the candidate to make a pitch for your product or services. Just because they aren’t selling the product, per se, doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be able to put a pitch together for the product or service. Knowing how the product is thrown means having a passion for it and also being able to make better decisions regarding it. Even when hiring managers you want this skill set.
Ask the candidate about past achieved goals from previous positions. You want to get them talking about how they worked towards a goal and how they accomplished it. You want to get insight into how they handle stressful situations and working with others. These are likely things they will encounter at your company, so gauging their response is huge.
Ask them to discuss their past relationships with co-workers. You want to see if this person can get along with others without becoming a doormat. It is of the utmost importance that you don’t bring a sour apple into the company and risks ruining the mood or tempo. Now, you might be hiring someone whom you want to “shake things up,” which this question should be highly applicable for as well.
Ask them to discuss things they accomplished that they are proud of, even if those items didn’t create revenue or aren’t related to your industry. Maybe the person one college swimming tournaments? It could be just about anything. You want to see their passion (or lack thereof). You want to see what excites them. What starts their engine…
Ask them to define hard work. Ask them what it means to work hard. Do they talk about staying late when it needs to be done? Does that prompt them to ask what the vacation benefits plan is? You can learn a lot just by asking such a simple, obvious question.

 Smile For The Camera! Best Practices For Video Interviews

 It has snuck into our lives with flying colors. The future is here! The option to interview via video is a win-win for both employers and employees. Of course, it is always nice for both parties involved to see what their surroundings will be, but it is also a breath of fresh air to save the travel costs (if out-of-town).
Video interviewing is more and more becoming the way to recruit talent in addition to interview questions.  Most companies admit that at some point in the hiring process, they succumb to video interviews. Think about it, save time, save money and enlarge the pool of talent because you are no longer limited to the talent in your city and state. But by no means is it an easy way out. The work is still there and you might feel it is a different craft.
There are so many details that companies must think about before jumping into video interviews. First off, what questions are you going to ask? Will you give a candidate more than one sitting if you choose to record his/her responses? Finally, how are you assessing the candidate’s answers? Let’s discuss a few best practices below.

Focus On Content

It might seem challenging, but honestly, video interviewing is not terribly different from in-person interviewing. Here are some best practices for video interviews. The most important thing here is to focus on your candidate’s answers. Who cares about their lighting or camera work (unless of course, they are interviewing for a film/video production company). Look for the same thing you would look for if they were sitting in your office for an interview; eye contact, the actual responses to your questions and body language.

Ask Important Questions

It’s not just about them, you are not going to get much from someone if the questions are not thoughtful and direct. Take pride in what you are going to ask. Do your homework. What is it that you want in the top candidates for your company? You can only determine if they are the right fit if you ask the right questions. Video or not, the questions are key! Jump in there and ask them about past experiences, what their strong points are and ask them to enlighten you with their previous successes. This can help determine if they are the missing piece to your company’s puzzle.

Decide Specific Guidelines

Some companies call you on skype and you talk back and forth as you would in an office setting interview, while other companies are going with a recorded interview. These systems offer a variety of options in order to record a candidate’s responses. It’s up to you to decide if you want to give candidates multiple chances to respond or record them on the first take. Of course, the candidates would like to have multiple recording options, but if you think about an in-person interview, you talk it out. There is not really a re-do option. You get what you see in the first impression. Nonetheless, these are guidelines you must determine before the interview process begins. It’s best to do the same with all candidates. This way you have the most accurate impressions of your potential employees.
Happy Recruiting!

How To Interview For Companies (Tips On Being Better At The Art).

Interviews are stressful, even more, stressful in this day and age of the so-called “employer’s market.” The pressure always feels as though it falls squarely on the shoulders of the person being interviewed, which is often true seeing you are competing for a job at the company against other qualified candidates. But it is important to not get too caught up in that emotion because honestly, you might freak yourself out a little too much. Interviews are stressful for both parties, including the interviewee, and realizing that can really help ease your nerves. In other words, you are all in the same boat as it comes to these environments. At Check Issuing, a lot of our interviews start with phone interviews and/or Skype interviews and then the process will progress to in-person, more intimate environments. No matter what form of communication your interview is packaged as, though, you should follow a few tips to make yourself stand out more than your competition.
Relax. Remember, you are there to talk about what you do, what you have done, and what you offer to the company. You are there to show off who you are, what you would be like to work with, and what kind of energy you have. You are there to learn more about the company you could potentially end up working for. This is all pretty human stuff, rehearsing too much can make you sound less human. It is a good idea to do some practice interviews, prepare for standard questions, but don’t be so rehearsed that you sound like an automated phone responder system. They want to hire a human, not a robot who can answer interview questions well.
Know the company. When was the company founded? Who owns it? What is their product, how well do you know how it works? It doesn’t matter if you are interviewing as an accountant, someone owns this business and they love this business, so you should be excited about the product. Simply use Google and search around, find info, find old newsletters or interviews with the staff. There is so much out there, you can learn a lot in as little as 20 minutes to determine the type of interview questions you will be asked.
Know the competition. You should know who they compete with. Use Google, see who pops up under terms that would most likely be searched in order to find this product.
Have questions for them. Lots of people feel like this aspect of the interview isn’t important. But nothing could be further from the truth. If you have no questions, it really looks like you don’t care. It shows a kind of disinterest. Show energy and interest and ask some questions about the company.
Overdress Just because they are the cool and trendy jeans wearing, a graphic t-shirt sporting young company doesn’t mean you shouldn’t wear a suit to an interview. The company needs to know you have professionalism. What if they needed to send you to a networking event? Of course, they’d need to know that even though the office is laid back, you grasp the situations as they come to you.
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Use this advice about interview questions to make hiring the right person easier.